Take the Test, Part 2

20 Jul

Did you know there are many websites where you can take spelling and vocabulary tests? Before you wonder why this would be a good thing, think about it. As writers, we need to use the best words we can find to succeed in our stories. And we should never stop trying to learn and improve.

I love to play on, a website where you challenge yourself to answer questions on vocabulary, grammar, chemistry, geography, and other subjects. I use the multiple choice vocabulary module and there are 60 levels so the words get harder and harder. The site is called freerice because rice is donated to starving countries for each correct answer you give (I haven’t verified the way it works). It really is fun. Don’t roll your eyes at me. Try it See how many levels you can attain.

Below are a couple more sites that are spelling tests. The tests use those pesky words that manage to trip people up.

So, if you want to keep up or improve your skills and test yourself in the privacy of your home, it’s easy to find a quick spelling or vocabulary test to help.


Posted by on July 20, 2012 in writing, writing craft


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12 responses to “Take the Test, Part 2

  1. Liz Fredericks

    July 20, 2012 at 6:57 AM

    I’m going to check out freerice . . . every little bit helps in keeping the brain fresh. Thanks Janis!

  2. Janis McCurry

    July 20, 2012 at 7:50 AM

    Any time. I really like pushing myself on the vocabulary levels. An additional perk is when a word you made an error on shows up again and you can get it right.

  3. stephaniebergets

    July 20, 2012 at 8:25 AM

    I tried freerice. What fun. I’m going back later. What a good way to hone my skills. My brain needs all the help it can get. Thanks for these games.

  4. Janis McCurry

    July 20, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    They can get addictive, so be aware. πŸ™‚

  5. marsharwest

    July 20, 2012 at 10:29 AM

    Okay, Janis, years ago–back in the early 80’s–Texas decided it wanted to make sure its teachers were qualified to teach and said anyone with a certification (these were life-time certifications, mind you), would have to take a test to prove that. (Bare with me on this, a point is coming. LOL) At the time, I didn’t have plans to go back to teaching, but being a prudent person figured I’d better gut up and take the test. I’m a dreadful test taker. Not to mention that (IMHO), no written (multiple choice) test can show whether a person is worth a hoot and a holler in a classroom.

    I was totally freaking out, because of the spelling section. The state did provide study books, which I dutifully got and poured over.

    Well, thank you, God, at the beginning of the section on spelling, the author of the booklet pointed out that in this world there are spellers and there are non-spellers. Non-spellers have dictionaries. (this was before the huge upsurge in computers and the spell-check function.) If we missed every question on the spelling section, we could still pass the test. What a relief!

    I did pass the test and later did go back in the classroom. Still mostly a non-speller who is eternally grateful for spell check, various CPs, an AP with a great eye,and my husband (a speller himself), who at various time have checked my missives going out for mass consumption. (Unfortunately not blogs. LOL)

    Point being (I did promise one.), I’m so happy for y’all to have “fun” on the rice site. Certainly is a good cause. For me it would be pure agony. But y’all enjoy. πŸ™‚ (Apologies for this being so long. Spelling has traumatized me my whole life.)

  6. Janis McCurry

    July 20, 2012 at 10:33 AM

    Oh, Marsha, my sister, who has a master’s in pediatric audiology, is a non-speller. When she was in grad school, the family would read her letters and howl with laughter at the misspellings. I proofed her master’s thesis on some kind of auditory dysfunction just to ensure “normal” words were correct. I hear you on non-spellers.

    But, freerice is vocabulary words and what they mean, so it might be fun for you. The other two spelling URLs, yeah, not so much. πŸ™‚

  7. ramblingsfromtheleft

    July 20, 2012 at 5:00 PM

    Janis … some of us are challenged in strange ways. Me? I am directionally challenged for instance and can get lost driving to a new location the first two dozen times.

    Then there is this thing since birth. I spell phoenitically (BTW I always have to look that up) … I can’t spell, get those double letter things all wrong … is it popping or poping … I remember Electric Company and leaping over the letter T but I can’t for the life of me remember which time to use past or passed. I once wrote an entire chapter with a family sitting in the dinning room and not the dining room.

    If I took those tests my already weakened self-esteem would shatter. I think of my deficits as cute quirks and would fold thinking they were a sign I am a dim-wit. Ask Liz, she’ll tell you. Better not to dwell on self-esteem crushing issues … Oh, no … that’s denial. Hey,I’ve got denial and avoidance/avoidance down to a science :):) If that’s not confusing enough, I am a competitive scrabble nut and cross my fingers if my words get challenged !! Is that hoping I don’t get caught or hopping I don’t get caught??

  8. Janis

    July 20, 2012 at 8:40 PM

    I promise you don’t HAVE to take the tests! πŸ™‚

  9. Peggy Staggs

    July 22, 2012 at 6:24 PM

    TESTS!?!?! Okay, I’ll give them a try. You know I knead all the help I can get.

  10. Janis

    July 23, 2012 at 7:40 AM

    LOL. The cool thing is you work your way up on the vocabulary at freerice. You don’t have to start at 10 dollar words.

  11. maryvine

    July 25, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    I heard about freerice one time-thanks for refreshing my mind about it. This would be a good site for students, too.

  12. Janis

    July 25, 2012 at 8:12 PM

    It is fun for students because it is self-directed and at their own level and pace.


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