Daily Archives: February 14, 2012

Valentine’s Day

Flowers, candy (hopefully chocolate), and all things sparkly. Valentine’s Day, love, and romance. This is the one day a year when almost everyone thinks about love. As writers, we think about it a lot more.

When someone asks you what your favorite book of all time is, I bet there’s a romance in it. Chemistry brings a certain essence to a book that is, in my opinion, essential. Oh, sure, there are books without romance that I enjoy, but they rarely end up being a favorite read. Without the tug of attraction to complicate the plot, the book may still be good, but with that extra depth, the same book becomes great.

We all have our own ideas of what’s romantic. Here are ours in no particular order.

Liz—Beautifully-appointed cabin. Woods. Snow. Tom Selleck thirty years ago.

Neysa—My most romantic Valentine’s Day would be to go with my husband to a yurt out in the woods, where all our meals are already there. A massage therapist comes to give us massages. Then we enjoy a lovely meal by the warm stove with some delicious Idaho wine and chocolate. In the morning, we can get up and go snowshoeing.

Janis—Warm, not hot summer night, with a little breeze. Dinner al fresco at a quiet place where we could talk without shouting. After dinner, we’d go for a walk in Kathryn Albertson Park, then we’d go home. The night’s not over, but that’s all you get. Some things are private!

Peggy—There’s nothing more romantic than a warm summer night in the Idaho mountains. A soft breeze would move the pine branches around overhead. The stars would sparkle down at us as we counted the ones shooting across the blackness and…

Clarissa—We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I think it’s the day-to-day romance that counts. It may sound silly, but one of the most romantic things my husband does is bring me a Dr. Pepper. He hates the stuff, so if he buys it, I know he did it just to make me happy.

Meredith—a lovely sleigh ride through the woods to a remote and cozy cabin with a fireplace where we could: snowshoe or cross-country ski, read or watch movies, and enjoy a lovely dinner with a nice bottle of wine before the lights go out and we settle down in front of the fire on a soft, furry rug and . . .

Johanna—To me, romance is all about the moment. It’s having a need or a worry that another person understands and addresses. When I was pregnant with my first kiddo and craving V-8 juice, my husband would show up with his arms full of the stuff and it was far more romantic than roses or chocolate. When I was trying to wrap up my revision in December, worrying about the traditional Christmas things I wasn’t getting done? My husband asked what I thought was missing most. “The baking,” I said. So he took the kids shopping and together they baked. I was the recipient of guilt-free writing time and yummy treats. The most romantic Valentine’s Day is like any other romantic day. It’s about taking care of each other and being present enough in each other’s lives to understand the perfect romantic gesture. I’m thankful to be in a marriage where there is no lack of romance. We celebrate our 25th anniversary this summer.

Mary—Red roses, dinner out, and slow dancing (at home).

What is your fantasy or favorite memory of romance?


Posted by on February 14, 2012 in Blogs, books, imagination, inspiration

