Daily Archives: February 27, 2012


Non-writers might assume we are struck with an epiphany one dark and stormy night and just KNOW what type of writing is for us. That’s so cute. The fact is, writers often don’t find their writing genre immediately. Even multi-published writers change genres for many reasons, some of which are career-driven, the need for new challenges, or by a publisher’s request.

I won’t speak for the published authors, but I can share my writing genesis. Natasha Tate wrote a guest blog and also referred to her writing development in

A writer’s journey does not stop at fiction. Poetry comes in many formats. It’s not all rhyming couplets. Starting with the “A’s,” there is the Acrostic. Pick a subject and make it the title of your poem.  Write this title in a vertical row downward.  Then write the lines of your poem, starting with the letters you have written.  Each line can be a word, a phrase, or a sentence.


When the creative flow

Rolls off the pen,

It seems impossibly slow

To ever find the end.


That was a quick one I made up, but you get the picture. Other forms of poetry include cinquain, free form, haiku (my personal favorite. I love the depth in simplicity), limerick, and sonnet. Rapping is poetry, although more some of us would disagree.

Genre fiction includes action-adventure, crime, detective, fantasy, horror, mystery, romance, science fiction, western, young adult, children’s, and inspirational. Within each of these, there are sub-genres. For example, mysteries have too many to list, but some are cozy, woman in peril, procedural, noir, and caper, to name a few.

How do you know if your initial passion is actually your strength? Just write it. Try it on. Live in it a bit. I won’t tell you any of it will come easy. Easy is not a word we use in this profession.

But how will you know if you don’t try? In romance, I’ve written historical, category, paranormal, and single title. Each story brought new skills and insight into my strengths (and weaknesses) as a writer. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Well, that’s not exactly true. With insight came the painful realization of not quite getting it down on paper the way I wanted.

I’m writing a single title with a partner now and it’s a warm, extended family story with romance, humor, and friendship. The first of a planned series of books. I’m having the time of my life. Is it my niche? I have no idea. But, I’m learning and growing.

What is your RIGHT-ING? Where has your writing road traveled? Where is it going? Did you find your place in writing with the first book you wrote? I’d love to hear about your journey.


Posted by on February 27, 2012 in poetry, writing


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